Hot in Cleveland: Season One (2010) Price:$17.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Shop aStore Amazon Details. If you weren't able to watch Hot in Cleveland while it was on TVLand, then definitely don't pass up getting this dvd. It is supposed to have bloopers too and sometimes those ended up being even more funny than the show. I rarely watch the dribble on tv these days but I was glued every nite this show was on during season 1. It is fresh, funny and just so entertaining. All the cast members fit together like a glove. The show brought in special guests all season including Carl Reiner, Tim Conway and John Schnieder just to name a few. They don't really need special guest stars since the cast is funny without them but they sure do make sure you are laughing each episode due to it. When Betty enters, you know that you won't be able to keep a straight face. When the girls find out that she is going to funeral to check out men, it is mentioned that she has a boyfriend already. Her response? "Just because I'm chained to the fence, doesn't mean I can't bark at the cars".
I can't wait for this dvd to be released and by that time season 2 will be on the way too. January should be a good month!
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