James Garner movies
The Rockford Files - Season One (1974)
James Garner movies.Typical Universal treatment of a hot property: no effort made in any kind of stylish packaging, extras, star treatment, for this beloved '70s TV series.
Then there's the dreaded double-faced discs. I found this set actually functioned, unlike so much recent Universal product. Well, almost... if you're watching individual episodes, you can't skip the closing credits to get back to the episode list. The disc will freeze up, and the only way you can continue viewing is to shut off your DVD player, restart it, and sit through all that opening crap again.
I swear, I HATE that Universal logo to pieces. I shut the sound off so I don't have to hear those self-congratulatory horns.James Garner movies.
Like all modern Universal product, this has great content and crap treatment. But at least it's functional, aside from the menu-freeze problem.
I just wish Anchor Bay or someone else who cares had put this out. Just imagine how packed with bonus materials it would be, and how much nicer the packaging would be.James Garner movies.
If you would like to buy this item.new and used.James Garner movies can be purchased from the store's aStore Amazon.click here to go http://astore.amazon.com/james_garner_movies-20